Monday, May 25, 2020
Drug Cartel Definition through the Descriptive Essay
Descriptive essay is usually used to provide your readers with a clear understanding of a particular thing, object or an experience you have gone through in your life. When you’re assigned with a task to work on a topic related to drug cartels, the number one recommendation will be to start your project with a detailed and logical drug cartel definition. Think about the impression you want to put into words to interest your reader. It should leave your audience with a clear image or a certain feeling about the topic you present. It is recommended to create a list of specific examples related to the drug cartel topic. Brainstorm as much as possible about the problem you’re discussing. What stands behind the term â€Å"drug cartel†? When was the term coined? What are the most important and most well-known drug cartels in the modern world? What we the reasons for their appearance and development? What are your personal viewpoints and emotions when you think about the issue? Make sure to write down everything you know about the problem of drug cartels and exert every effort to leave your readers with understanding of how important the issue is. Ponder over the order in which you plan to present your information. Might there be an interesting description for a particular situation that took place in the past and was on news? Are you going to describe drug cartels in general or perhaps you’d like to concentrate on a particular country? As an example, one can investigate the basic drug cartel structure in Mexico. Drug lords, Hitmen, Falcons and Lieutenants – provide a detailed description to each of the operating groups and draft your essay on the basis of the provided information. Be as specific as you can, but do not overload your paper with too many useless details. Once you’re ready with a rough draft, make sure you have logical links (connecting sentences) between all the essay paragraphs. If you’re not ready with the thesis statement yet, you’re supposed to generate one the very moment you’re done with the rough draft. Take a look at a general picture you have â€Å"painted’ and think about what kind of sentence could serve as the best description for it. Provide the thesis statement within the introductive paragraph and make sure to revise it in the ending sentences of your assignment.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Meaning of Life According to Victor E. Frankl Essay
The Meaning of Life According to Victor E. Frankl The meaning of life, defined by Victor E. Frankl, is the will to find your meaning in life. It is not the meaning of life in general, but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment. He believes that if you are approached with the question of â€Å"what is the meaning of my life†or in this case, â€Å"life is meaningless,†then you should reverse the question to that person asking the question. For example: What are you bringing to me? What are you as an individual contributing to this life? This forces the person in question to take a look at themselves and to ultimately be responsible. Frankl says that if you are a responsible member of society than the meaning of life†¦show more content†¦You’re not thinking for yourself. You’re also going to become bored. In the state of boredom the person can start to see life as meaningless, esp. the person questioning the meaning of their life. They start to question themselves and wonder what their purpose and meaning of their life is. This boredom can be a result of condition called Sunday Neurosis. Sunday Neurosis takes place when a person has worked hard all week long or for many days on end. (We know this as a result of tension; it’s what drives us and keeps us going. It promotes meaning and gives us goals. It is not the same as stress, because stress is an overabundance of tension.) Then a day comes along when you have nothing planned, nothing going on and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Therefore boredom results and when there is boredom there is no meaning. And when there is no meaning we fill that emptiness with negative things, like money, power, and pleasure, basically we get into trouble. The meaning of suffering is another reason why a person might be questioning the meaning of their life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Health Care System in Turmoil - 1007 Words
Health Care System in Turmoil Quality healthcare in the more rural areas of the United States is not only getting more difficult to obtain, but difficult to afford. American citizens living in rural areas have the highest rates of chronic disease, higher poverty populations, less health insurance, and there is less access to primary care physicians. When the economy is at its lowest point it causes an increase in a number of access and health issues that have already had prior problems in communities and in rural areas, therefore the main goal of the national health care tax of 2010 was to allow coverage to all residents of the United States, and also by transferring necessary health care to places that were farther away, such as the†¦show more content†¦This national health care tax is supposed to be an answer to most of our health care insurance issues. Although most people agree that our health care system is in turmoil and needs to be reformed, some people do not agree that the solution is a nationa l health care tax. Americans seem to be even more upset over the cost and access to care even more than the quality of care that is given. It is amazing to note that most Americans when asked what they think the most important health care issue facing the United States, the cost and access to care remains the most common response. (Newport, Jones, Saad, 2012). Some benefits of having a national insurance system, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) include: Ending the long-time discrimination by most insurance companies based upon a pre-existing condition and your current health status. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), persons seeking health insurance, while they already have a pre- existing condition, and could not get health insurance previously will have access. The ACA will give choices of health insurance that are affordable. Under this national insurance system, a large number of Americans will be able to obtain affordable insurance because of the creation of health insu rance exchanges, which will allow families to compare health plans and then be able to choose a plan that fit their needs. These exchanges will guarantee families or persons that qualityShow MoreRelatedEssay about Healthcare System in Turmoil1449 Words  | 6 PagesHealth Care System in Turmoil The current health care system in the United States is in turmoil for many years because of two major problems which continues to be: patient access to care and the cost of care. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Politics in States Communities by Thomas R. Dye free essay sample
Critical review of study of relationships among local, state federal govts. as essence of democratic process. At least once a generation, the relationship among state, local and federal power becomes an enduring theme in the continuing debate that constitutes American democracy. The Contract with America, with its call to return control over many program areas to states and municipalities, is only the latest example. Politics in States and Communities, by the University of Floridas Thomas R. Dye, uses comparative analysis and a political focus to explain the interrelationships of local, state and federal governments that are part of the interwoven strands of every newscast and the front page of every newspaper. Dyes detailed explanation of the why as well as the what of American politics (xv) provides a context for such continuing controversies as the call to return program areas to states and municipalities. In addition, revised and expanded consideration
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