Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Industrial regulation Essay Example for Free
Industrial regulation Essay Industrial regulation is government imposed regulation of an entire industry in order to monitor prices and products provided to the public. Industrial regulation exists to avoid overpricing, lack of competition and the overall taking advantage of consumers. The intended impact on the markets is to promote competition and economic efficiency. Industrial regulation also intends that monopolies and oligopolies do not control the entire market, charging high prices and providing fewer and inferior products, which in turn â€Å"harms consumers and society†(McConnell, Brue, Flynn et al, 2011, pg. 382). These regulations reduce the market power of monopolies, therefore allowing entry into the market by the competition which then allows for substitute products and price competition. It also reduces the power of oligopolies and increases market competition and prevents collusion. The antitrust laws also help anti competition and price fixing by not allowing monopolies to develop. Social Regulation is government imposed restrictions on corporate behavior to avoid unwanted behavior such as pollution or dangerous work situations. Social regulation exists to protect society by maintaining safer products, lessening pollution, improving work conditions and creating greater equality of economic opportunity, otherwise considered to improve our way of life. A vast majority of employers and also employees are affected by social regulation. Employers are required not to discriminate in hiring practices, allowing more opportunities to various groups of people including people with disabilities. Also, employers must provide safe working conditions as stating in OSHA (The Occupational Regulation 3 Safety and Health Administration). This is maintained by requiring employees to watch safety videos and practice safety procedures. To be compliant, employers are required to spend money on training materials, time and manpower enforcing anti-discrimination and safety protocols. Natural monopolies are entities that exist due to being more cost efficient and providing lower cost services or goods to consumers because of economies of scale. Due to the size of the entity, fixed costs spread over more units of output, leading to lower variable costs. One example would be our local utilities, where the single firm can provide the entire market supply of electricity therefore â€Å"competition is uneconomical†(McConnell, Brue, Flynn et al, 201, pg. 382.) Natural monopolies are formed by the government, naturally or by acquisitions. Natural monopolies should exist in some locales and industries because it would be cost efficient for the consumer. It was would not be efficient for a new electric company to come and spend a lot of capitol, creating new power lines, buildings, etc. and then charge higher costs to consumers to cover the initial cost. According to economic theory natural monopoly is optimal regulation, that is, how a firm regulates to produce and price optimally for consumers. D. Four major pieces of Antitrust Laws are: 1. The Sherman Act of 1890 which lays out two ideas. First, any trust, conspiracy, or restraint in trade or commerce is declared illegal. Second, anyone found guilty of monopolizing shall be found guilty of a felony. This act is designed to curb monopolization and anti-competition. Regulation 4 2. The Clayton Act of 1914: Price discrimination is deemed illegal when it reduces competition and is based on costs differences. It also prohibits tying contracts, acquisition of stocks from competing corporations and directors of one corporation cannot be board member of a competing firm. 3. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act of 1914: Has responsibility to enforce antitrust laws by investigating unfair competitive practices. The FTC can issue cease-and-desist orders when unfair methods of competition are found. 4. The Wheeler-Lea Act of 1938: Gives the FTC additional reasonability’s to protect the public from false advertising, established the FTC as an independent agency and made unfair and deceptive sales practices illegal. 5. Celler-Kefauver Act: Amended the Clayton Act by prohibiting anti-competitive mergers by acquiring the competitions stock. Previously purchasing a firm’s physical assets was a way to acquire a competitive firm. E. Three Industr ial Regulatory Commissions are: 1. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which regulates the transmission of natural gas, oil and electricity, including the wholesale sale of electricity and gas. The FERC reviews mergers and acquisitions by electric companies, regulates the sale of wholesale electricity and gas, regulates the transportation of oil by pipeline, approves applications for interstate natural gas pipeline and storage facilities. The FERC also licenses and inspects hydroelectric projects. 2. The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstates and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC processes Regulation 5 applications for licensing and filings, analyzes complaints and conducts investigations against the Communications Act of 1934. It also develops and implements regulatory programs and educates and informs consumers about telecommunication goods and services. 3. State Public Utility Commission which regulates the public utilities by state ensures fair, just and reasonable rates. The CPUC develops and implements policies to promote competition in communications division, represents the commission before the United State Congress and federal agencies. It also provides information and assistance to the general public. One division oversees the safety of electric and communication facilities. F. Five main federal regulatory commissions are: 1. The Food and Drug Administration which protects public health by assuring safety of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, cosmetics and food. They intend to lessen the risk of unsafe products for everyone. 2. The Equal Opportunity Commission enforces laws making it illegal to discriminate and applies to all hiring, firing, promotions, harassment, training, wages and benefits. This allows everyone a fair chance at employment. 3. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration assure safe and healthy working conditions for all men and women and were created to improve working conditions. 4. The Environmental Protection Agency protects the air, water and noise pollution and was created to protect the environment and therefore human health. 5. The Consumer Products Safety Commission ensures the safety of consumer products by helping protect consumers from the risks of product incidents. Regulation 6 REFERENCES McConnell, C., Brue, S., Flynn, S., et al, S. (2011).Economics. (19e ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill%2FIrwin.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Goals in the Movies Center Stage and Miracle Essay -- Films Movies
Goals in the Movies Center Stage and Miracle Dreams and goals are one thing that everyone has in common. Everyone has a dream or goal that they strive for; whether it takes a couple days to accomplish, or a lifetime, everyone has at least one. The movies Center Stage and Miracle tell two different stories of triumph, using determination and the inner belief of oneself, to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of their dreams. In both of the movies they show that it takes a great deal of effort and time to reach ones goals, but everyone can accomplish them as long as their minds are set on them. In the movie Center Stage there are many characters that are trying to live their dreams. It is about a group of young kids that tried out and made it into the best ballet academy. It shows the pain, heartbreak, and tears that it took them to discover themselves and follow their dreams. Jody Sawyer is the main character in the movie. She makes it into the academy but nobody understands how she got in. They all say that she has â€Å"bad feet†(Center Stage) and does not have the â€Å"perfect body type†(Center Stage). Jody makes herself practice hard and watches what she eats to get the appreciation that she deserves from her fellow ballet dancers and the instructors of the academy. She succeeds in doing this; her determination and discipline paid off. At the Company’s final dance recital she gets a standing ovation from the whole crowd; everyone was left in awe. Jody accomplished her dream in becoming an amazing ballet dancer. The movie Miracle deals with the dreams and ambitions of the United States Olympic ice hockey team. It is a true story about courage, and ambition that lead them... ...llet dancer. In this wonderful world, dreams and goals can be achieved one way or another. There is so much opportunity in this country for everyone to succeed. The main thing that people need to remember is that it takes time and effort. Anybody can be anything they want to be; no matter what class they are in, how much money they have, or what their grandparents or parents do. It is up to the individual to set their minds to it. People just need to take advantage of all the great opportunities there are in this country. Not everyone has this many opportunities to succeed, so they need not let it pass by. With all the great universities and jobs out there, there is no reason that people should be just standing on the streets with no money to buy food or shelter. A goal just needs to be set and then the determination and discipline comes next.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Elephant Man †Otherness Essay Essay
In Victorian London, Dr. Frederick Treves with the London Hospital comes across a circus sideshow attraction run by a man named Bytes called â€Å"The Elephant Man†. In actuality, the creature on display is indeed a man, twenty-one year old John Merrick who has several physical deformities, including an oversized and disfigured skull, and oversized and disfigured right shoulder. Brutish Bytes, his â€Å"owner†, only wants whatever he can get economically by presenting Merrick as a freak. Treves manages to bring Merrick under his care at the hospital – not without several of its own obstacles, including being questioned by those in authority since Merrick cannot be cured. Treves initially believes Bytes’ assertion that mute Merrick is an imbecile, but ultimately learns that Merrick can speak and is a well-read and articulate man. As news of Merrick hits the London newspapers, he becomes a celebrated curiosity amongst London’s upper class, including with Mrs. Kendal, a famed actress. Despite treated much more humanely, the question becomes whether Treves’ actions are a further exploitation of Merrick. And as Merrick becomes more famous, others try to get their two-cents worth from who still remains a curiosity and a freak to most, including to Bytes, who has since lost his meal ticket. The movie is loosely based on the real story of Joseph Merrick, known as â€Å"The Elephant Man†, who was thought to have suffered from elephantiasis and was perceived as being abnormal and different because of it. As portrayed in the movie, â€Å"The Elephant Man†was not classifyed as human but inhuman; a stranger to most. But who establishes what abnormal is? Do humans really believe they have that power? The Elephant Man†is just another example of someone different. To me he isn’t a monster, just misunderstood, and to label him like that suggest that there’s something within him that makes him less human that the rest of us. What I found hard to grasp was trying to understaning what lies in the concept of being abnormal in order to have an idea of what being no rmal means. I mean the notion of â€Å"us†suggests that there must be a majority to differ from; a range of normality that constitutes the abnormal. But who decides who’s normal and who’s not? What is normal anyways? I mean all it does is overrule, distort, and oppress everything that cannot meet it’s certain demands and qualifications. I rather be anything BUT normal. The main reason â€Å"The Elephan Man†was shund out of society was because of his physical features and â€Å"deformities†. But why should a physical difference come to mark a psychological one? In the movie the audience/spectators come to represent normality or the unit of ‘us’, standing in opposition to John Merrick. Because of his difference they see fit to classify themselves as ‘normal’ and different from him. And in a way they are. You see, unlike them, Merrick was highly capable of civilized behaviour. The characteristics of his physical appearance are not regarded as simple features but as deformities, as abnormal, even monstrous. Why do the spectators react so strongly towards something they find not to resemble themselves? Why do they, the unit of normality, need to point out that he is being different while they get to be normal? Why does the representation of normality feel an urge to define itself through what it is not? I believe that the process of othering in the movie could be explained by the simple idea that we don’t know what we are. I mean it seems that there is an infinity of things we could be as human beings, so why does society try and control something it has no power over? Is it affraid of what we can achieve, or does it not want us to achieve in the first place? I mean in Merricks case he wasn’t really classified as either one thing or the other. Just†¦ abnormal. In our world those we find not to fit into our group are left as objects of either exclusion, repulsion, repression, oppression; or of a kind of fetishism which nonetheless seems to limit the object of obsession. In â€Å"The Elephant Man’s†case he was neither desier nor wanted but feard. No one wanted to be-firend him, love him, see what he was like or even just say the odd hello. He was a freak, a caged spectical for people to point and laugh at. Treves, a doctor at London Hospital, stumbles upon and discovers â€Å"The Elephant Man†at a circus sideshow attraction run by the cruel and repulise Bytes and appoints himself the his owner so that he could present him to the members of his medical society. He’s given many detailed, scientific examination before being returned to his owner, but, being subject to his frequent beatings, he falls ill and is hospitalized in secret where Treves works. Treves discovers that â€Å"The Elephant Man†can talk and begins to referred to him as John Merrick. When the director of the hospital warns to have Merrick removed, Treves helps him and he is given permission to stay. Merrick’s stay in the hospital is mentioned in the papers, and soon curiosity leads a famous actress to visit him. The London nobility follows and Queen Victoria herself takes an interest in Merrick and starts protecting him. However, Merrick is not safe: his former owner forces Merrick back on the road with him and brings him to France. The dwarves and other â€Å"freaks†of this show free Merrick from his abusive owner. After being freed Merrick finds his way back to England and collapses in a train station, chased by a mob attracted by his deformity. Treves brings Merrick back to the hospital, which is now his home, and an actress who earlier showed her interest in him arranges the most beautiful night of his life: an attendance to the theatre where she works. After this experience, Merrick deliberatedly goes to sleep while lying down, though he knows this will suffocate him because of his condition. He dies in his sleep. From being â€Å"The Elephant Man†he’s turned into John Merrick, both characters who held the ability to frighten and horrify people by his mere look. In his appearance people recognize their own humanity, but apparently a distorted humanity. As the movie goes along, John Merrick is quietly humanized. He was dressed up, called upon by name (not nickname) and given conditions allowing him to show creativity. He read poetry, went to theatres, and drank tea like a true Englishman, you might say. Indeed, the monster more and more resembles a well taught pet. The recognition of Merrick as a human being, the terrible necessity to identify with this deformed edition of a human, makes us turn him into a monster; something we do to make the identification less obvious. It leads us to conclude that he is not human. He cannot be human, and if he is human, than he must be dumb, as the doctor assures his colleague. The doctor in this way removes Merrick from the field of humanity all over again. The doctor bases his notion of humanity on the presence of intellect, while according to the public it has to do with physical features. By saying this, the doctor distances Merrick from him just as the public does; there is only a small difference of procedure. But when Merrick starts talking and reciting the Bible he suddenly he belongs to our race again? How that makes sense, i’ll never know. Maybe, locked up behind the face of a monster, rests a human being. Reading Merriam-Webster dictionary defination of ‘normal’ it’s interesting to note how normality is also given a physical and mental connotation. And because of that we can therefore see how visible factors that differentiate an individual make him or her a possible target of othering.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Choosing A Juvenile Probation Officer - 2033 Words
My chosen career path is to become a Juvenile probation officer. Juvenile probation officers work with youths that have been placed on probation and or have been court order to attend an alternative consequence school to continue their education. Most juvenile probation officers work with youths at a particular stage of their probation process, for an example supervision or investigation. This paper will cover information on the juvenile justice system and my career choice by touching bases with my interviewee a Juvenile Probation Officer Shelvin McGill the agency he is employed with as well as its clientele, I will also speak on the job description and responsibilities, his theory-of-use, and briefly touch on why he chooses this line of work, and his educational background. Working as a Juvenile Probation officer in the Juvenile Justice System Before we explore the roles and responsibilities of a Juvenile Probation Officer we first must explore the juvenile justice system itself as well as to why it was set in place. In the United States, juveniles that fell into trouble with the law were automatically treated different from adults. Before the juvenile courts were established, children under the age of 7 were never really held responsible for their criminal acts. The law considered them unable to commit any criminal intent, however this could be disproved if the child knew that the act he or she was committing was a crime or that it would cause harm to anotherShow MoreRelatedJunenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation Essay1729 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation University of Phoenix Juvenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation Rehabilitation over Punishment, why one is better or more effective than the other, in order to answer this questions one must understand what each means. Punishment is a consequence of doing something that is unacceptable, it is meant to be unpleasant, the problem with punishment is it does nothing to address the social or mental processes that maybe contributingRead MoreThe Theories Of Crime Causation Essay1414 Words  | 6 Pages Juvenile offender 1. 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