Thursday, December 26, 2019
A Review of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 1165 Words
There have been few works of popular literature written in the new century which have so accurately captured the conflicted state of feminist identity in todays modern corporate culture that Stieg Larssons 2005 novel The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Written in a searing tone which is representative of the repressed rage exuded by Lisbeth Salander, the enigmatic heroine who suffers atrocious crimes at the hand of powerful men and wields a sadistic sense of vigilante-style vengeance against those who victimize innocent women, Larssons first installment in the wildly popular Millennium Series trilogy is an intensely evocative work of hyperrealism. Standing as a stark symbol of feminist aggression personified, Lisbeth Salander is described as a pale, anorexic young woman who had hair as short as a fuse, and a pierced nose and eyebrow (with) a dragon tattoo on her left shoulder blade (Thorsson, 32), and this initially incongruous image is soon reflected against her smoldering internal int ensity. As the reader is drawn inexorably inside Salanders increasingly complex psyche, witnessing both the brutality she is subjected to and the savagery she is capable of, deciphering the meaning of her mysterious tattoos, particularly the intricately drawn dragon which swathes her sinuous frame, becomes central to understanding her true character. The latent of symbolism contained within Lisbeth Salanders collage of body art is made evidently clear after she becomes the victim ofShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution of Film-Making Technology1417 Words  | 6 Pagesalso allowed them to also use all of their 35mm lenses which totalled in the thousands. Panavison teamed up with Sony and designed the electronics creating the first full frame digital camera for making feature films. Although the camera had mixed reviews, the 35mm sensor unlike the Vipers 2/3†sensor and the fact that it took Panavision lenses allowed the camera to give the almost same depth of field and look as you g et with 35mm film. The cons about the Genesis was the weight, the camera weighedRead MoreThe Style Of David Fincher s Se7en1386 Words  | 6 Pagesaudience more than any other film category. On a personal level, mystery and suspense have been a personal favourite when it comes to selecting a movie genre. Therefore, selecting se7evn was an easy choice. In addition the movie has received rave reviews from the critiques and was also nominated for an Oscar for best film editing. The crime scenes depicted an elaborate fictional setting, which showed the prowess of the makeup and costume design artists. The background soundtrack complemented variousRead MoreFilm Review Of The Movie The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button1863 Words  | 8 Pages Film Review â€Å"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button†Is a wonderful movie to watch. Although it isn’t something that happens in real life it is still incredibly relatable. It tells a story that hasn’t really been done, that’s a good thing because it makes the movie unpredictable. This movie is loosely based on the book F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story. It was directed by David Fincher. Summary The movie open’s somewhere in the early 2000’s. An elderly women, Daisy Fuller, was laying in a hospital bed withRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesSamuel Adams had received since 1984. It was not only voted the Best Beer in America four times at the annual Great American Beer Festival, but also received six gold medals in blind tastings. 1 2 Jenny McCune, â€Å"Brewing Up Profits,†Management Review, April 1994, p. 18. Ibid., p. 19. 50 †¢ Chapter 4: Boston Beerâ€â€Is Greater Growth Possible? In April 1994, Jim Koch and two of his brewmasters were testing their entry into the Great American Beer Festival: â€Å"Triple Bock.†They had not yet tried
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Emotional Intelligence Can It Be Taught At Distance...
Emotional Intelligence Students Name University Name, Course Number Emotional Intelligence: Can it be taught in Distance Learning MBA Programs? Today, managers need more than just top notch technical and intellectual skills. Leaders in healthcare, business and technology are learning that successful managers need high Emotional Quotient (EQ) or Emotional Intelligence (EI) to work effectively. This paper will define EQ and EI and then explore why these skills improve workplace functioning. This paper will also explore whether distance learning programs can effectively teach EI to managers. Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive emotions in self and others, to identify different emotional responses, and to use emotional information to make intelligent decisions. (McCarthy, 2000) A leading expert on EI finds that â€Å"people good at managing relationships tend also to be self-aware, self-regulating and empathetic.†(Goleman, 1999, p. 8) EI is especially important â€Å"at the highest levels of the company, where differences in technical skills are of negligible importance. In other words, the higher the rank of the person considered to be a star performer, the more emotional intelligence capabilities showed up as the reason for his or her effectiveness.†(Goleman, 1986, p. 94) Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of a successful business career and for effective group performance (Goleman, 1986). The core competencies required forShow MoreRelatedLeadership Development42674 Words  | 171 Pages................................................................42 4.4.2 Individual learning and skills .................................................................................45 4.4.3 Impact on individual performance at work.............................................................46 4.4.4 Impact on organisational and national performance...............................................48 5: How can Management and Leadership Development Work? .................49 Overview .........Read MoreHrm Training and Development15736 Words  | 63 Pagesimprove current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Child Abuse Research Paper free essay sample
Child Abuse is an issue that affects all kinds of people worldwide something’s we fail to do is recognized the signs, try to prevent the abuse, and get people the proper help and treatment they need to recover. According to Tollefson (2011) Child abuse generally refers to mistreatment of a child by a parent or another adult. However, there is no standard definition of child abuse. A narrow definition is limited to life-threatening physical violence. Such violence might include severe beatings, burns, and strangulation. A broader definition includes any treatment that may harm a child. No one knows how many instances of child abuse occur each year because many cases of child abuse are never reported. Child abuse takes many forms. It includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Another form of child abuse is neglect. Neglect is the failure of a parent or caregiver to provide for the basic needs of a child. It is the most common form of child abuse (Tollefson, 2011). Whether you are the abuser or the victim, both parties need to be treated in order to be able to heal. There are many ways in which someone can recognize abuse exist within a family, but we just fail to see the signs. One must have situational awareness in order to be able to see the signs. There is many ways to recognized sexually abused children. Sexually abused children will sometimes act out sexual, they can become hostile and aggressive, you can start noticing changes in their behavior, and they can become reluctant or fear certain places or people. Some may develop advance sexual knowledge. Physically abused children will often wear clothing that will allow them to hide their injuries, marks or scars. Some may show no distress or little distress when separated from parents. And their alertness for possible danger may become heighten. Besides recognizing children that are being abused, there are also ways to detect and become aware of the offenders too. Some offenders behavior can vary and change, but some of these signs for the sexual abuse offender might be that they are extremely over protective towards their child, may show great parental dominance in the home, could have been a victim themselves when they were a child. They can also see their children seductively and refer to their children in sexual manners. And the most common one is those who like to spent a lot of time with children and inviting children to their home. For offenders that like to physically abuse children some may also have a history of sexual abuse, blame their child for their hardship and misery, constantly emphasizing bad qualities instead of good ones. They will also use harsh discipline or offense not appropriate or accordingly to that Childs age. And the most obvious one will be showing no concern about their child, treatment, injuries, and health. A neglected child is another form of recognizing child abuse. Some signs of neglected child is a chi that is frequently absent from school, will beg or even steal food or money, shows lack of medical care, a child who is dirty and possesses a bad odor, lack of food and clothing. Besides recognizing a neglect child you can also recognize a neglectful parent. A neglectful parent will appeared indifferent of their child, will seem depress or even apathetic, will sometimes behave irrational and may be abusing alcohol or drugs. Abusing alcohol and drug as a neglectful parent can contribute for a child to also abuse and seek refuge in alcohol and drugs. Overall according to Crosson-Tower (2009) Neglect of children is a result of parental failure to meet basic human needs adequate food, shelter, safety, and affection. Several authors have attempted to define neglect first by the creation of the Childhood Level of Living Scale, developed by Polansky and col-leagues, and later by the creation of Trocme’s Child Neglect Index. It is difficult to determine the cause or causes of neglect. Some theorists feel the economic factors should be considered, along with deficits in the personality structure of the parent. Today, many theorists favor an ecological view that is, the parent within the con-text of the environment. Children who have been neglected demonstrate retarded growth, poor motor and language development, flat affect, indications of malnutrition, unattended medical problems, and an inability to conceptualize. Older children often seek early emancipation and may begin the cycle all over again. Neglectful parents are largely children themselves. Their infantile personalities seem to be largely the result of their own unmet childhood needs. They are isolated, have difficulty maintaining relationships, are verbally inaccessible, and lack the knowledge, judgment, and maturation to adequately parent their children. From their studies of neglectful mothers, Polansky and colleagues identified five types of personalities: the apathetic–futile, the impulse ridden, the woman in reactive depression, the mentally retarded, and the psychotic. Parents may also neglect (or abuse) under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Neglect may also go hand in hand with domestic violence. Knowledge about maltreatment is increasing. We need to strive to understand the large numbers of neglectful families and, by understanding, hope to break the cycle (Crosson-Tower, 2009, p. 92). Now that we can understand and become of aware and are able to recognize abuse we have to be able to prevent the abuse from happening or continuing. We need to understand child prevention and what do to when a child is at risk. Public awareness is a good way to prevent child abuse; getting the pubic involved and feeding them with the right information will educate them and help them understand child abuse and the signs. Another way of prevention is to educate the children. I strongly believe child abuse prevention counseling should be given in every school. It helps us educate these children, help them cope, understand, while also given them options. Educating children so they won’t be susceptible to this behavior and know they have someone they can know there is help out there, to help them not be a victim of child abuse. Child abuse can also be prevented by prevention programs. An example of a child abuse prevention program is CAPP, its mission is to make sure all children have the right to safety in order for them to strive and grow. They teach children to recognize, resist and report physical and sexual abuse. This program has helped over 400,000 New York City school children. Crosson-Tower (2009) states Prevention efforts must also be directed toward families. Parenting education enables parents to perform their roles more effectively and can alleviate some of the stresses unsure parents feel. High-risk parents can be identified by medical, social services, or school personnel and can be offered additional resources. Parent support groups can promote more positive parenting if directed at specific behaviors. Such support, as well as culturally specific information, should be given to immigrant parents to help them understand appropriate and inappropriate child management practices. Parents who educate their children about potential sexual abuse make them less vulnerable to the advances of an abuser. Allied professionals are becoming more aware of the need for prevention, but they need to concentrate on combating child pornography. Engaging teams of professionals and laypeople in prevention efforts should begin to make our communities safer places in which children can grow. But this commitment must be community wide in order to make a significant impact. (Crosson-Tower, 2009, p. 414). Once we recognize and start preventing child abuse the final step is the recovery process and treatments for both the abuser and the victim. In order to properly treat and help families is to provide treatment to the child being abuse and the offender. We must understand that even though we have our own opinions, and cultural beliefs a majority of these offenders were either sexually abused or physically abused some time in their life time. We must also understand it is critical to provide abuse children with the right treatment in order to help them heal and most important preventing them from later on the line becoming an offender themselves. Some ways to help both child and parent recover are counseling to help them deal and aid in the psychological effect. Medical help can also be a good form to aid children who are physically abused, and also to help heal those sexually abuse offender, like men who can get the depo-vera shot in order to minimize and lower their sexual urges. Another way of helping a child recover from abuse is to remove the cild from that environment. Although it can have a great impact on both child and parent, sometimes removing the child from that environment is the best option, some might be looked after by other family members and others will go into foster care. Crosson-Tower (2009)The primary goal with physically abusive parents is to stop the battering. In addition, it is hoped that these parents develop coping skills for the future. Treatment for the child necessitates attention to the medical problem resulting from the abuse, providing a safer environment, and attending to the psychological scars from the abuse. Treatment of the parents necessitates patience and understanding. They must learn to trust the helper and learn to cope with the frustrations of their own lives in order to nurture their children. Such issues as symbiosis, isolation, poor self- concept, and impulse control must be addressed in treatment. The services for abusive parents may include group or individual therapy, marital therapy, the use of homemakers and parent aides, and participation in self- help groups such as Parents Anonymous. Ideally, cases are not closed until the battering has ceased and parents have developed coping mechanisms to deal with their frustrations (Crosson-Tower, 2009, p. 414). Child abuse is a worldwide issues that has been going on for centuries, whether a child is being physically abused or sexual abuse public awareness has to continue in order to help the recognition of abuse, the prevention of abuse, and the recovery phase of abuse. Child abuse is not something that should be taken lightly and be dismissed because child abuse can lead to death. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) reported an estimated 1,770 child fatalities in 2009. This translates to a rate of 2. 34 children per 100,000 children in the general population. NCANDS defines â€Å"child fatality†as the death of a child caused by an injury resulting from abuse or neglect, or where abuse or neglect was a contributing factor.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Information systems and fundamentals
Executive Summary This report begins by describing the importance of information to an organization. It continues byemphasizing on the need for information systems in proper and effective management of this information.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Information systems and fundamentals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In response to the first and second question in assessment 2 this report contains in its appendix a context diagram and a level zero data flow diagram (DFD) obtained from an analysis of the current scenario at the manufacturing company aimed at identifying information bottlenecks that exist. In response to the third and fourth question of assessment 2 the topic of ethics is introduced and the principles of ethics involved in scenario part B stated and explained. This report concludes thatorganizations should incorporate information systems so as to better manage their information. However, before incorporating them they should carry out a scenario analysis so as to ensure that functional requirements of the system are known. Introduction The importance of information to an organization can be likened to that of blood in a human being. An organization that manages and protects its information well is more likely to achieve its mission as it is outlined in its mission statement than one which does not. Information systems are the means through which organizations manage and protect their information. Information systems enable organizations to fit in the dynamic context (market) their find themselves in and in addition enable them to maintain knowledge of their internal workings.Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Basically, the mechanism of an information system consists of hardware and software that creates and stores a log of other vital systems in the organization , which are known as target systems. An example of a target system can be the human resource system in an organization. According to Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat, five types of information systems exist (1999). The first three types are office information systems, transaction processing systems and management information systems. The fourth and fifth types of information systems are decision support systems and expert systems. Discussion A context diagram also known as a level zero data flow diagram (DFD) is a DFD with a single massive central process that is the relationship between all the entities involved (SmartDraw, 2012). Context diagrams are critical in ensuring that the scope of analysis is limited to the system or scenario under investigation (Precision Quality Software, 2011). Context diagrams are also essential because they ensure that the functional requirements of a system that is to be created to solve a given problem are not overlooked (Precision Quality Software, 2011 ). A typical context diagram comprises of external entities, a single massive central process, data flows and /or resource flows(SmartDraw, 2012). Appendix A and appendix B show the context diagram and level zero data flow diagram of the scenario at the manufacturing company as it is described in scenario part A of assessment 2.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Information systems and fundamentals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These two diagrams are the end result of an analysis aimed at identifying the information bottlenecks at the manufacturing company. The rectangles in the context diagram and level zero data flow diagram represent external entities, the circle represents the single massive central process and the arrows represent the data and/or resource flow. The external entities comprise the various departments of the manufacturing company (e.g. Accounts, Marketing, RD, HR), company staff, company gen eral manager and government departments. The single massive central process is an information system. As pointed out above, the information system connects all these external entities together. One flow of data is between the information system and the Accounts, Manufacturing, RD and Marketing departments. These departments request weekly reports showing for each staff member, annual and sick leave due and taken, any staff member who will be due for long service leave within the next six months and the total wages bill for that department, Month-to-Date and Year-to-Date. The information system accepts these requests, processes them, generates the reports and sends them to the relevant department. Another flow of data is between the information system and company’s staff. Company staff invoke queries against the information system so as to viewwage and leave information.Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The information system accepts these queries, processes them and returns results for each query. Another flow of information exists between the information system and the company’s Human Resource (HR) department. The information system ensures that staff wage and leave requests go directly to the HR department. The information system also ensures that the HR department is notified on any resignations or vacant positions in the Accounts, Manufacturing, RD and Marketing departments. The information system in addition to these allows the HR department to store and maintain a file of rates from the different advertising newspapers and journals. Another information flow exists between the information system and government departments. This information flow ensures that the government departments receive monthly notifications on staff statistics. The final information flow is between the information system and the company’s general manager. This information flow ensures that the general manager requests and receives summarized weekly and monthly departmental reports. Copyright laws in Australia give the owner of the copyright exclusive rights to his or her works and state clearly that any other person who wishes to use copyrighted work in a manner not accommodated in the laws should obtain permission from the owner (Australian Copyright Council, 2007). The copyright laws proceed to state thatuse or reproduction of essential parts of copyrighted work without the owner’s permission amounts to infringement of copyright laws(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). Another way in which infringement of the copyright laws occurs is when an entity authorizes infringement(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). Authorization of infringement occurs when an entity endorses work that that is in itself an infringement of Australian copyright laws(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). Authorization of infringement also occurs when an entity abets another entity to i nfringe Australian copyright laws(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). Another way in which infringement of Australian copyright laws occurs is when an entity imports certain types of items that contain material that is copyrighted(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). Lastly, infringement of Australian copyright laws also occurs when an entity sells material that is itself an infringement of the laws or sells items that contain material that infringes the laws(Australian Copyright Council, 2007). The video by Shane Warne discussed in scenario part B of assessment 2 is protected by the Australian copyright law on films, sound recordings, broadcasts and published editions. As such Shane Warne possesses exclusive rights to its reproduction. In a business context ethics enlighten an organization on the acceptable behavior to adopt in pursuing its interests at the point in which the organization may held accountable for its actions by another entity (MacDonald, n.d.). A lack of ethics ca n be detrimental to an organization as any action it takes that involves other external entities places it at the risk of lawsuits. The lawsuits can significantly cut down on the profits of the organization. According to the ACS code of ethics one ethical principle involved in the scenario discussed in the second part of assessment 2 is adhering tothe Australian laws (Australian Computer Society Inc., 2012). The ACS code of ethics states that its members should adhere to the Australian laws. Another ethical principle involved is the ability of its members to put the interests of the public first, that is, their own interests (business or not) should come second(Australian Computer Society Inc., 2012).This ethical principle ensures the safeguarding of the interests of immediate stakeholders. Another ethical principle outlined in ACS code of ethics that is involved in the scenario discussed in the second part of assessment 2 is honesty and trustworthiness(Australian Computer Society I nc., 2012). The ACS code of ethics points out thathonesty and trustworthiness is one way in which to avoid conflict of interests. Another ethical principle outlined in ACS code of ethics that is involved in the scenario discussed in the second part of assessment 2 is honoring of property rights, which includes copyrights and patents. The ACS code of ethics preaches that behavior that leads to and that encourages violation of property rights is unprofessional and should be avoided. The ACS code of ethics additionally underpins the importance of seeking authorization from the owners of copyrighted materials before creating a duplicate of copyrighted material. Another ethical principle outlined in ACS code of ethics that is involved in the scenario discussed in the second part of assessment 2 is giving proper and deserved credit to the owners of intellectual property(Australian Computer Society Inc., 2012). The ACS code of ethics preaches that is proper discipline to give proper credit to the owners of intellectual property even if the property is not protected by Australian copyright or patent laws. Recommendations This report recommends that Helen backs Sally’s option of purchasing Shane Warne’s video. This is because Sally’s option is more ethical compared to Chen’s option. Sally’s option endorses all of the ethical principles discussed above. Chen’s option encourages infringement of Australian copyright laws as well as disregards the ethical principles outlined above and therefore this report does not recommend it to Helen. Conclusion This report concludes that organizations should incorporate information systems so as to better manage and protect their information. Before incorporating the information system it is imperative for the organization to do a scenario analysis and come up with context diagrams so as to ensure that all the functional requirements of the system are known. References Australian Copyright Coun cil, 2007, An Introduction to Copyright in Australia. Web. Australian Computer Society Inc., 2012, ACS Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Web. MacDonald, C., Definition: business ethics. Web. Precision Quality Software, 2011, Context Diagrams: an explanation. Web. Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat, 1999, Types of information systems. Web. Smart Draw 2012, Context diagrams. Web. Appendix Appendix A Context diagram Appendix B Level zero Dataflow diagram This report on Information systems and fundamentals was written and submitted by user Leilani Pennington to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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