Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Critical Evaluation Of The Three Approaches To IHR Essay
Critical Evaluation Of The Three Approaches To IHR - Essay Example Thus, â€Å"globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the companies as well as the people of different nations, a process which is mainly process driven by international trade and investment for the benefit of the investor as well as the host country†(Herbig 2008, p.6). Thus, in a way the globalisation from the last decade of the 20th century has optimized the opportunities for the companies, particularly the Multinational Companies (MNCs) to enter foreign countries, give employment to the local population as well as sell their products or services at competitive prices. In addition, firms cannot keep on operating in a saturated home market to achieve success. They have to break geographical boundaries as well as their economical limits to tap those opportunities in the foreign markets or countries, by following the process of internationalisation. Thus, internationalisation is a happening concept which is being used by many firms to expand their reach g lobally. â€Å"As the global economy expands, as more products and services compete on a global basis and as more and more firms operate outside their countries of origin, the impact on various business functions becomes more pronounced†(Briscoe and Schuler 2004, p. 20).... ing, researching, applying and revising all human resource activities in their internal and external contexts as they impact the process of managing human resources in enterprises throughout the global environment†(Briscoe and Schuler 2004, p. 20). When this management of human resources or employees in the international context is focused, it can be categorized into three approaches: cross-cultural management; comparative human resource management; and multinational perspective in human resource management. The first approach of cross-cultural management focuses on understanding the cultural differences and similarities that may exist between the entering firm or the home country and the local employees or the host country. Each country will have distinct and unique cultural traditions, and so the employees will also imbue it in them and exhibit during the organizational processes. Thus, these cross-cultures of the firms as well as employees have to be managed under the auspi ces of IHRM approach of cross-cultural management. As Cieri, Fenwick and Hutchings (2005, p.588) states, cross-cultural management focuses on â€Å"identifying the likely impact of cross-culturally similar and different human behaviour on the functional elements of HRM, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and reward management.†Even before the foreign firms enter new countries, the employees in those firms will not be all similar, as they could come from different background. Those employees could have been made into a unit through the formation of common organizational culture and other strategies. When these firms with their employees enter new countries, it will be more challenging for them. Most of the countries around the world will have
Monday, October 28, 2019
National Discipline Awardee Essay Example for Free
National Discipline Awardee Essay â€Å"A person is not measured by his accomplishments or possessions, but how he deals with people and how deep his relationship with God is. †Young as I am, I have been taught by my God fearing parents to value everything – big or small – that we have. I am not from a prestigious clan or a well-off family but I feel privileged because I was able to see life more meaningful and worth living. It’s all because of my loved-ones that keeps me going. Amid the crucial days that come my way, I would be standing there because I believe that tests won’t be given to me if I cannot surpass them. Being chosen as a National Discipline Awardee is another challenge for me. Challenge because I have to prove everybody that I deserve that award. Nevertheless, they would probably look at me with their eyes stick on everything that I will do and on decisions that I will make. But, I don’t mind them. I have nothing to do. I just have to be myself. I don’t have to be somebody else just to please everybody. I am confident that what I have right now is the fruit of what my parents taught me ever since childhood. The virtues that they implanted in my heart helped me a lot in achieving my goals and dreams. And now, it’s my turn to give them something that they can be proud of. This award would definitely give them so much joy. And as for me, it’s indeed an honor. But I know, it doesn’t stop there, it is better if I could share something for our society especially for the youth. I have often wondered how some of our youth today were greatly influenced by the modern trend. Some lives have gone astray and dreams of a good future vanished. All because of the bad vices that they have been practicing which they learned from the BAD influences in our environment. My heart bleeds every time I will see parents working so hard just to give their child all the things they need. Yet, their deeds often neglected. I guess, what is lacking, is the discipline in our youth sector. Our teachers never failed to remind us that resorting to drugs, alcohol, premarital sex and other form of vices is an immoral act or habit. And this will definitely ruin their lives and bring nothing but trouble. So instead of doing so, I learned to respect y God-given life, and nurture the talents that I have. â€Å"Discipline†of the youth, is what we need, and that is being pure in thoughts, in words and in deeds. It has been said that you may whatever you resolve to be. You must be determined to be something in the world, and you will be someone or something. â€Å"I cannot†never accomplished anything. â€Å"I’ll try†has wrought wonders. Opportunities – that would direct my lives, trials – that would teach me lessons, and decision-making – where I can apply all lessons I’ve learned from my daily experiences, will always be just around the corner, playing a vital part in my personal life. But what really matters, is that I know I have this determination and will to overcome difficulties and hardships. I may not be from a well-off family nor has deformity in my physical aspect; I believe I would never get tired of trying and trying again. For it is only in the minds of my detractors that I can’t do it. Failure is not a hindrance for me to stop believing and dreaming rather I make it an inspiration for me to try and strive my best even more and have enough perseverance to attain success. Lastly, I learned to think less of myself. I found out that there should be selflessness and diminish in my heart selfishness. For I believe that it is only through selfless love that I can find true happiness. Reaching out for others especially in the needs of time and sacrificing my personal advantages or desires for the good of the masses gives me fulfillment in my heart. Sharing my time, talents as well as blessings with my brothers and sisters is the best way to say â€Å"Thank you†to God. Above all this, I would like to put emphasis that being a good role model for my fellow youth is simply what I can do to make this country a better place to live in.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Historical References to Faust Essay example -- Faust History Literatu
Historical References to Faust Faust I Prologue in Heaven  · The scene begins with the Three Archangels, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael, confessing their inability to comprehend the awe-inspiring works of God.In the Christian tradition, archangels are angels of the highest rank and are associated with certain functions or responsibilities.In â€Å"Prologue in Heaven,†they personify the cosmos: Raphael describes and represents the heavens, Gabriel the earth, and Michael the elements.  · Mephistopheles.Goethe’s devil is inspired by a number of different literary sources, not just Christian.  · The basic structure of the dialogue between the Lord and Mephistopheles is inspired by the first two chapters of The book of Job, in which Satan obtains permission from God to try and tempt Job to do evil.  · Faust. The real Georg (or Johann) Faust was born in 1480 and died in 1540. Although contemporary sources suggest he was quite well known in Germany during his lifetime, his fame and notoriety is the result of an incredibly popular collection of (barely believable) anecdotes and stories about him called Volksbuch, which was published in 1587. The Volksbuch was an important source of inspiration to Goethe and other authors as they wrote about Faust. Night  · The opening monologue is an indirect adaptation of Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragical history of Doctor Faustus.  · Faust has in his possession a book by Nostradamus (1503-66), the French astrologer, physician and prophet.  · When Faust first opens the book by Nostradamus he sees the sign of the macrocosm, which is a diagram of the organization of the cosmos.  · The vision that the sign of the macrocosm inspires echoes Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28,... ...hab,so that Ahab could seize his subject’s vineyards. By referring to Naboth, Mephistopheles is preparing us to expect the deaths of Baucis and Philemon. Midnight  · In Medieval literature, allegorical figures symbolize the approach of death. The allegorical figures in â€Å"Midnight†also parallel the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: death, war, famine, and plague (see Revelations 6:1-8). Entombment  · In the original Faust legends, Faust is dragged off to hell.Mephistopheles is unable to do so this time because Faust was never so satisfied with the results of his striving that he wanted time to stand still.Mephistopheles is only able to seize Faust's soul through trickery. Mountain Gorges  · The Anchorites – Pater Ecstaticus, Pater Profundus, and Pater Seraphicus – are religious hermits who represent the mystical tradition of early Christianity.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Fault in Our Stars
Our lives are a set of building blocks, and we always yearn to be perceived as skyscrapers. But not everyone has this capability. People have faults, and sadly, it can get to the point where those wrecking balls intervene. And the thing that was once a set of building blocks is no more. Some people have it harder than others. People live with cancer, deadly diseases that could ruin their lives. The Fault in Our Stars is a story mainly about the life of a girl named Hazel who falls in love with a person named Augustus.The problem is, that her and two other main characters in the story, Augustus and Isaac, have to live their lives battling cancer, which literally controls their â€Å"ordinary†lives. It is about the struggle (faults) that comes with dealing with cancer, and how they try to overcome these obstacles. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they do not. John Green titled his novel The Fault In Our Stars because the stars are the building blocks (a persons life), and the fault in those stars is what is keeping those building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, the wreaking ball (cancer).There are many significant themes throughout the novel that correlate to the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only relate to the title but they also exemplify what this story is really about. Sets of building blocks that are slowly broken down, to the point where they are destroyed completely buy the wrecking ball, both literally and mentally. Cancer is something that it very hard to live with, and it generates numerous setbacks in life.The three main characters in this story, Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac live their lives battling cancer. They meet different obstacles every day, and the struggle is dealing with those obstacles. Hazel struggles with lung cancer, and every day she walks around with oxygen tank to help her lungs function. One time her cancer took a da ngerous toll when she woke up in the middle of the night at about four in the morning with an apocalyptic pain in the center of her brain. She woke her parents and was taken to the ICU. Hazel was knocked out, and they did save her.When she woke up in the morning her parents explained everything that had happened to her. â€Å"Mom and Dad told me that I did not have a brain tumor, but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation, which was caused by my lungs swimming in fluid, a liter and a half(!!!! ) of which had been successfully drained from my chest, which was why I might feel a slight discomfort in my side, where there was, hey look at that, a tube that went from my chest into a plastic bladder half full of liquid that for all the world resembled my Dad’s favorite amber ale.My mom told me that I was going home, that I really was, and that I would have to get this drained every now and again and get back on the BiPAP, this nighttime machine that forces air in and out of my lungs. †(107) Hazel’s overexertion was very hard on her and the rest of her family. Now she has to get her lungs drained every once in a while and she is also on BiPAP. In my opinion this was more than just a struggle, this was a nightmare. A nightmare pioneered straight from her cancer, and it is just horrible. Augustus had lived a very rigid life with cancer.At the time that he met Hazel, he was cancer free with an amputated leg. When Augustus and Hazel went to the airport to go on their trip to Amsterdam, Augustus took very long to get to the plane when he said that he was going to go get food and come back. He told Hazel and her mom that the line at McDonald’s was really long but the truth came out when he was sitting on the plane next to Hazel. â€Å"Listen, sorry I avoided the gate area. The McDonald’s line wasn’t really that long; I just†¦. I just didn’t want to sit there with all those people looking at us or whatever.â₠¬ (145, 146)Here Augustus’s struggle with cancer is the looks that people would give him, looks that were just too hard to fathom. He didn’t want to get those looks. It bothered him. Augustus did not like people looking at him like there was something wrong with him. It was just mortifying. Isaac was Augustus’s friend that introduced him to Hazel. Isaac and Hazel went to support group together. Isaac suffered from eye cancer, and he was going to get a surgery that would eradicate himself of his cancer. The problem was that this surgery would steal his sight.This was a huge obstacle that cancer has set for him and he has to cope with the struggle of loosing his sight. But something even worse happened to Isaac when he told his girlfriend about the news (that he was going to be blind). His girlfriend stopped seeing him and it broke Isaacs heart. She was his true love and they said they would always be together, but she could not take it anymore. â€Å"She said she can’t handle it. I’m about to lose my eyesight and she can’t handle it. †(60) The reason his sight was going to be disdained was to loose his cancer.Meaning that the cancer was the cause of him loosing his sight, initiating the lose of his true love. This was Isaac’s huge struggle in life with cancer. Loosing the love of his life. The theme of struggles in life with cancer relates to the title because these struggles from cancer are the faults (struggles) that are in the stars, what is keeping the building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, which is initiated by the wrecking ball (cancer). Cancer is a deadly disease that constructs many problems in life.According to the love that was shared between Hazel and Augustus, no problem or â€Å"fault†would ever desist the love that these two had for each other. Augustus showed hazel that there is more to life than staying home and letting cancer consume you. It did not take long for them to fal l in love. Together they were unbeatable and they would never let anything bring them down. They both went through rigorous paths, but together, their loved steered themselves out of that hardship, and to safety. When Hazel was taken to the hospital because of her overexertion the nurse informed her about Augustus.â€Å"You’re not going to ask about your boyfriend? †she asked. â€Å"Don’t have one,†I told her. â€Å"Well there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,†she said. â€Å"He hasn’t seen me like this, has he? †â€Å"No Family only. †(108) Even though it was very hard to see Hazel in that faze of discomfort, Augustus went because he loved her. He did not let hardship terminate his love for hazel. He would not let anything stop him from seeing her. When Augustus Osteosarcoma returned, he went to buy a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night, and something went wrong with his G-tu be. He told Hazel to come and help him fix it.She took off her BiPAP, attached herself to an oxygen tank and went to help him before it was too late. When she saw him Augustus was in the drivers seat of his car covered in his own vomit. â€Å"Oh, G-d, Augustus, we have to get you to a hospital. †I gagged from the smell but bent forward to inspect the place above his belly button where they’d surgically installed the tube. The skin of his abdomen was warm and bright red. â€Å"Gus, I love you. †(244-245). Hazel loved Augustus so much that she took off her BiPAP, and left by herself with her oxygen tank to help Augustus in his urgent time of need.She did not let this â€Å"fault†bring down her spirits and she did what ever she could to keep him alive. She saved his life and if she did not go there to help him (and call 911) Augustus would not have made it. Their love triumphs through hardship, that is how powerful their love is. This theme relates to the title because the love is what keeps those stars or building blocks (peoples lives) up and running and they wont let the fault (hardship) get in the way of the love. Love isn’t something that can be wished upon, you have to have that click.The click between Hazel and Augustus was so strong that they would not let anything get into the way. At the end of the book Hazel is forced to cope with the death of her one and only soul mate, Augustus. Hazel was devastated. She loved him so much. At his funeral, she went up to Augustus’s coffin to say her last good bye. â€Å"I love you present tense,†I whispered, and then put my hand on the middle of his chest and said, â€Å"It’s okay, Gus. It’s okay. It is. It’s okay, you hear me? †I had-and have-absolutely no confidence that he could here me. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. â€Å"Okay,†I said. â€Å"Okay.†(270)Hazel has been trying very hard not to let it get to her (the pain), and she does not want Augustus to be mad that he died on her. That is why Hazel says its okay, to apprise Augustus and make herself know that she can live through this. The theme of coping with the death of a loved one relates to the title of this novel because coping with the death of a loved one is another fault (struggle) that was in the stars that was initiated from death by cancer. Osteosarcoma was the wreaking ball that destroyed Augustus’s building blocks and Augustus’s passing was the wreaking ball that injured Hazel’s building blocks.There are many obstacles in life, and we always try to overcome them. Some people have it harder than others. Some people are forced to live their lives battling cancer. That is what The Fault in Our Stars is all about, the burden of living life as a different person with new problems everyday. Some days will be better than others, and some days will be worse. It’s a never-ending roller coaster. Su re there will be times where it slows down and rides along a straight path but there will always be those times where it goes fast and gets bumpy. People live today overcoming these endeavors.There are many themes in the novel that correspond with the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only correlate to the title but they also portray the main idea of the story. Our lives are a set of building blocks and if we don’t learn how to eventually take and overcome the blows from the wrecking ball, we will never have that chance that all of us have always longed for (even for people who are not battling cancer), to not only become a skyscraper but to be commended as one. The Fault in Our Stars Our lives are a set of building blocks, and we always yearn to be perceived as skyscrapers. But not everyone has this capability. People have faults, and sadly, it can get to the point where those wrecking balls intervene. And the thing that was once a set of building blocks is no more. Some people have it harder than others. People live with cancer, deadly diseases that could ruin their lives. The Fault in Our Stars is a story mainly about the life of a girl named Hazel who falls in love with a person named Augustus.The problem is, that her and two other main characters in the story, Augustus and Isaac, have to live their lives battling cancer, which literally controls their â€Å"ordinary†lives. It is about the struggle (faults) that comes with dealing with cancer, and how they try to overcome these obstacles. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they do not. John Green titled his novel The Fault In Our Stars because the stars are the building blocks (a persons life), and the fault in those stars is what is keeping those building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, the wreaking ball (cancer).There are many significant themes throughout the novel that correlate to the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only relate to the title but they also exemplify what this story is really about. Sets of building blocks that are slowly broken down, to the point where they are destroyed completely buy the wrecking ball, both literally and mentally. Cancer is something that it very hard to live with, and it generates numerous setbacks in life.The three main characters in this story, Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac live their lives battling cancer. They meet different obstacles every day, and the struggle is dealing with those obstacles. Hazel struggles with lung cancer, and every day she walks around with oxygen tank to help her lungs function. One time her cancer took a da ngerous toll when she woke up in the middle of the night at about four in the morning with an apocalyptic pain in the center of her brain. She woke her parents and was taken to the ICU. Hazel was knocked out, and they did save her.When she woke up in the morning her parents explained everything that had happened to her. â€Å"Mom and Dad told me that I did not have a brain tumor, but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation, which was caused by my lungs swimming in fluid, a liter and a half(!!!! ) of which had been successfully drained from my chest, which was why I might feel a slight discomfort in my side, where there was, hey look at that, a tube that went from my chest into a plastic bladder half full of liquid that for all the world resembled my Dad’s favorite amber ale.My mom told me that I was going home, that I really was, and that I would have to get this drained every now and again and get back on the BiPAP, this nighttime machine that forces air in and out of my lungs. †(107) Hazel’s overexertion was very hard on her and the rest of her family. Now she has to get her lungs drained every once in a while and she is also on BiPAP. In my opinion this was more than just a struggle, this was a nightmare. A nightmare pioneered straight from her cancer, and it is just horrible. Augustus had lived a very rigid life with cancer.At the time that he met Hazel, he was cancer free with an amputated leg. When Augustus and Hazel went to the airport to go on their trip to Amsterdam, Augustus took very long to get to the plane when he said that he was going to go get food and come back. He told Hazel and her mom that the line at McDonald’s was really long but the truth came out when he was sitting on the plane next to Hazel. â€Å"Listen, sorry I avoided the gate area. The McDonald’s line wasn’t really that long; I just†¦. I just didn’t want to sit there with all those people looking at us or whatever.â₠¬ (145, 146)Here Augustus’s struggle with cancer is the looks that people would give him, looks that were just too hard to fathom. He didn’t want to get those looks. It bothered him. Augustus did not like people looking at him like there was something wrong with him. It was just mortifying. Isaac was Augustus’s friend that introduced him to Hazel. Isaac and Hazel went to support group together. Isaac suffered from eye cancer, and he was going to get a surgery that would eradicate himself of his cancer. The problem was that this surgery would steal his sight.This was a huge obstacle that cancer has set for him and he has to cope with the struggle of loosing his sight. But something even worse happened to Isaac when he told his girlfriend about the news (that he was going to be blind). His girlfriend stopped seeing him and it broke Isaacs heart. She was his true love and they said they would always be together, but she could not take it anymore. â€Å"She said she can’t handle it. I’m about to lose my eyesight and she can’t handle it. †(60) The reason his sight was going to be disdained was to loose his cancer.Meaning that the cancer was the cause of him loosing his sight, initiating the lose of his true love. This was Isaac’s huge struggle in life with cancer. Loosing the love of his life. The theme of struggles in life with cancer relates to the title because these struggles from cancer are the faults (struggles) that are in the stars, what is keeping the building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, which is initiated by the wrecking ball (cancer). Cancer is a deadly disease that constructs many problems in life.According to the love that was shared between Hazel and Augustus, no problem or â€Å"fault†would ever desist the love that these two had for each other. Augustus showed hazel that there is more to life than staying home and letting cancer consume you. It did not take long for them to fal l in love. Together they were unbeatable and they would never let anything bring them down. They both went through rigorous paths, but together, their loved steered themselves out of that hardship, and to safety. When Hazel was taken to the hospital because of her overexertion the nurse informed her about Augustus.â€Å"You’re not going to ask about your boyfriend? †she asked. â€Å"Don’t have one,†I told her. â€Å"Well there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,†she said. â€Å"He hasn’t seen me like this, has he? †â€Å"No Family only. †(108) Even though it was very hard to see Hazel in that faze of discomfort, Augustus went because he loved her. He did not let hardship terminate his love for hazel. He would not let anything stop him from seeing her. When Augustus Osteosarcoma returned, he went to buy a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night, and something went wrong with his G-tu be. He told Hazel to come and help him fix it.She took off her BiPAP, attached herself to an oxygen tank and went to help him before it was too late. When she saw him Augustus was in the drivers seat of his car covered in his own vomit. â€Å"Oh, G-d, Augustus, we have to get you to a hospital. †I gagged from the smell but bent forward to inspect the place above his belly button where they’d surgically installed the tube. The skin of his abdomen was warm and bright red. â€Å"Gus, I love you. †(244-245). Hazel loved Augustus so much that she took off her BiPAP, and left by herself with her oxygen tank to help Augustus in his urgent time of need.She did not let this â€Å"fault†bring down her spirits and she did what ever she could to keep him alive. She saved his life and if she did not go there to help him (and call 911) Augustus would not have made it. Their love triumphs through hardship, that is how powerful their love is. This theme relates to the title because the love is what keeps those stars or building blocks (peoples lives) up and running and they wont let the fault (hardship) get in the way of the love. Love isn’t something that can be wished upon, you have to have that click.The click between Hazel and Augustus was so strong that they would not let anything get into the way. At the end of the book Hazel is forced to cope with the death of her one and only soul mate, Augustus. Hazel was devastated. She loved him so much. At his funeral, she went up to Augustus’s coffin to say her last good bye. â€Å"I love you present tense,†I whispered, and then put my hand on the middle of his chest and said, â€Å"It’s okay, Gus. It’s okay. It is. It’s okay, you hear me? †I had-and have-absolutely no confidence that he could here me. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. â€Å"Okay,†I said. â€Å"Okay.†(270)Hazel has been trying very hard not to let it get to her (the pain), and she does not want Augustus to be mad that he died on her. That is why Hazel says its okay, to apprise Augustus and make herself know that she can live through this. The theme of coping with the death of a loved one relates to the title of this novel because coping with the death of a loved one is another fault (struggle) that was in the stars that was initiated from death by cancer. Osteosarcoma was the wreaking ball that destroyed Augustus’s building blocks and Augustus’s passing was the wreaking ball that injured Hazel’s building blocks.There are many obstacles in life, and we always try to overcome them. Some people have it harder than others. Some people are forced to live their lives battling cancer. That is what The Fault in Our Stars is all about, the burden of living life as a different person with new problems everyday. Some days will be better than others, and some days will be worse. It’s a never-ending roller coaster. Su re there will be times where it slows down and rides along a straight path but there will always be those times where it goes fast and gets bumpy. People live today overcoming these endeavors.There are many themes in the novel that correspond with the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only correlate to the title but they also portray the main idea of the story. Our lives are a set of building blocks and if we don’t learn how to eventually take and overcome the blows from the wrecking ball, we will never have that chance that all of us have always longed for (even for people who are not battling cancer), to not only become a skyscraper but to be commended as one.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Probation Officer’s View of Effectiveness
This case study is about what a probation officer’s view of effectiveness is and how it can affect his or her view of the job. The local newspaper ran a 3-part article about the probation office and how it was not living up to the expectations of the citizens. The articles discussed how the recidivism rate for the department was high and the department did not utilize social programs in the community. Whose interests were served in the newspaper’s evaluation of the probation office and whose will be served by the proposed evaluation from the department? What theory or theories of effectiveness are represented in the proposed new evaluation format? And what process and outcome measures are included in the evaluation? What domain of activity do these cover? Is the meaning of the variables clear? The newspaper article served the interest of the probationer’s, citizens of the community, social service agencies, and the probation office. If the article had never been published there is a good chance there would not be a change in the operations of the probation office and the citizens of the community and probation officers would not see a change in the recidivism of probationers. The proposed evaluation will serve the probationers due to the fact that he or she will receive more options to break the cycle of crime. It will serve the citizens of the community by breaking the cycle of crime therefore crime rates will decrease. And, it will serve the probation officer’s as he or she can feel better about the options available for their probationers and the programs he or she can refer to them. The process approach and the system resource model are both prevalent in this case study. According to Steers, â€Å"the process approach consists of three related components: goal optimization, a systems perspective, and an emphasis on behavior within organizations†(Stojkovic, Kalinich and Klofas, 2003). In the case study, the officers and the leader discuss how the organization needs to look at how much time the officers are spending with each client, where they are spending this time, and what the probation officer is doing in this time. This type of study is putting the emphasis on behavior within the organization. In the system resource model the effectiveness is based on â€Å"the extent that it can obtain needed resources from its environment†(Stojkovic, Kalinich and Klofas, 2003). An officer in the case study discusses getting his clients in touch with the social agencies in the community to help break the cycle. This is an example of the system resource model. This evaluation will use the gross malfunction analysis. The probation system in the community is considered a failure. The evaluation in which the leader and officers are proposing will examine the reasons for the failure. Another good analysis is the revelatory analysis. This analysis is reflected in the use of social programs by probation officers and his or her client. It will also show how well the probation officers are utilizing inside and outside resources to help eliminate recidivism? The domain of activity these evaluations cover and the studies the probation office wants to utilize are the effectiveness-for-whom and the tendency for effectiveness criteria to influence behavior within organizations. By using the malfunction and revelatory evaluations the probation office and citizens of the community will have a better understanding of the operations and activities of the probation officers. The newspaper article in this study helped to bring about some positive changes for the probation office. The probation officers received a supervisor who included him or her in planning and implementing the type of evaluation needed to decrease the recidivism of all the probation clients. The effectiveness of the probation office became a propriety project not only for the probation supervisor but for the probation officers. The officers were able to feel as if the evaluation was his or her project and therefore he or she would benefit from it. The supervisor brain-storming with the officers gave the officers a sense of ownership over the evaluation and therefore when the results are returned he or she will be more compelled to help find solutions to the problems.
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